The drama club is Westminster ’s newest theatrical development. Miss Shloss first got the program underway due to an interest in the IHSA competition. The IHSA provides students with opportunities to compete in a wide variety of theatrical events ranging from monologues and readings to one-act plays and group interpretations. However, student participation is not limited to acting. Students are needed for backstage, lighting, makeup, and even directing.
Ben Stevenson will be directing Westminster’s first one act play. Although the scene for the play has not yet been determined, they are considering a piece from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Ben’s involvement stemmed from aspirations of film school. He is looking forward to the auditions and seeing what they have to work with.
Another student whose role anticipates high involvement is Allison Sleeting. Allie was a key contributor to the program’s establishment. Her passion for the arts has driven her contribution to a wide realm of other theater productions, including directing the middle school plays and her roles in the high school play and musical.
When asked about expectations for the competition, Miss Shloss responded with anticipations of being fairly competitive and receiving some kind of placement. She’s most excited about seeing students who normally are uninvolved in the theater department grow and develop previously undiscovered gifts.
The club currently has around 40 members, but is still open to new participants. Any students who are interested in getting involved can talk to Allie or Miss Shloss!
By Ellie Fink
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