Monday, February 28, 2011

Budgeting For College

College these days is extremely expensive, and unless you play sports or are super smart, you probably won’t get too much scholarship money from the school of your choice.

To those still in their freshman, sophomore, or even junior year, keep your grades up and take the ACT as many times as you can because a one or two point difference can make for a lot more scholarship money.

Also, be active in extracurricular activities, or even volunteer on several community service projects, because those could also help you with getting scholarships or grants.
Now for the seniors who don’t really have the opportunity to raise your GPA or take the ACT more than a couple times before going off to college, start saving money if you have a job, and if you don’t, start looking for one for either now or for summer.

Another thing you can do is start saving birthday and graduation money, or possibly investing it. Also, look for scholarships and free grants, because there are some unusual ones out there that you might be eligible for.

So don’t be scared about the big price of college because if you start saving now, you won’t have to worry as much when you get the bill.

By Ian Dutcher

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