Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time to Get Out and Run

Now that the weather is getting warmer, many people can begin doing outdoor activities that they couldn’t do during the winter. Running outside is a major activity that many people were deprived of during the cold weather because of the ice and low temperatures. Some committed runners, however, didn’t think twice about going out for a jog, but a lot were certainly stuck at the gym on the treadmill.
Spring sports such as track and field, soccer, baseball, and softball are also starting up. The passionate athletes of these sports have been waiting so long for this season to come again. Getting outside, breathing fresh air, and a little bit of sunshine is all it takes for people to get over that Seasonal Affective Disorder caused by the dullness of winter. Bicyclists are also very excited about the warmer temperatures, since, bike riding in the ice and slush would not only be cold, but very dangerous.
Local parks will soon be crowded with energetic children anxious to play. The swings are my personal favorite part of going to the park. The playground just is not the same with snow covering it. Sure, sledding is a plus, but how can the average kid play lava monsters when he can’t even get off of the woodchips because there’s a foot and a half of frozen snow on the ground? It’s definitely not possible. It is also difficult to climb trees without traction. Ice makes it so easy for one to lose their grip of a branch and fall ten feet to the ground. These activities just can’t happen during the cold months, good thing its spring!

By Kelly Beecher

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