Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Senior life

Writing about senior life and all things associated with the word senior is bittersweet for me.

When I sat down to write this I looked over and there on the wall is a picture of baby me. Where has the time gone? ... But enough of that-- time to buck up and face this senior year with boldness, a good work ethic,  and the attitude of a senior.

With all the major events making their way up the calendar, it's awkward to view them as last high school experiences. Like, on the first day, seniors everywhere had most likely had this thought pop up in their almost-of legal age noggin: "Wow, today is my last first day of"

While some embraced this with open arms, others pushed away the harsh sounding truth like an awkward hug from an unknown family member (specifically a distant cousin or a too quiet uncle). Don't get me wrong; I'm sure this senior year/class will have a remarkable time on all the trips and dances that come about, but it's scary to think how fast the years are starting to go by. People tell you your whole childhood "ENJOY BEING A CHILD" and you sit there with your razor flip phone and your too expensive t-shirt that says something along the lines of, "JuSt MoNkeYin AroUnd" and think to your middleschool self, "I cant wait to be 18 so I can finally do whatever i want........and order the pasta boat off that infomercial."

But I'm here to say, my almost 18 year old self finds itself wanting to revert back to those days a lot of the time, because sometimes in middle school you forget growing up comes with responsibilities, like a job, and college, and curfews, and mean people. So while this "senior life article" has turned into a rant that I'm not sure what to call, I'm basically here to tell everyone in the grades below me, enjoy being young and don't grow up to fast, because before you know it you'll be sitting in your home office on a weekday afternoon writing about senior life, when it feels like yesterday you were catching frogs in your neighbor's backyard pond and running around not caring if you were smelly, sticky, or lice-ridden.

By Taylor DePola

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