Monday, October 17, 2011

The greatest movie that never was--'Niles Islands'

This weekend I had the pleasure of watching "Niles Islands." This movie, released in 2011, features Arnold Schwarzenegger, Meryl Streep, Vin Diesel, and Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson.

The movie is a romantic comedy with a bit of a twist. Due to such a star-studded cast, the expectations were set very high. And it did not disappoint. The plot follows Meryl Streep (Cynthia Rodgers) and her husband Arnold Schwarzenegger (Edward Rodgers) on their Alpaca farm in Missouri, and their farm hands, the Rock (Arnold McGuffey) and Vin Diesel (Deon Sanders). They run into trouble when a group of marauders try to take over the farm.

Intense battle sequences initiate when Arnold and Deon fight off the cowboys using only their martial arts skills. The sad point of the movie is when Edward Rodgers passes away from his lifelong battle with claustrophobia. But things start looking up when Cynthia finds new hope in her farm hands, Arnold and Deon.

The movie ends with the three of them opening up their new grief counseling practice. All in all, I would give this movie an 8 out of 10 Chap points. I highly recommend taking your girlfriend, your kids, or your grandmother to this movie, because it promises to be a good time. 

By Jimmy Chapman

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