Tuesday, November 8, 2011

There's Still Hope for Netflix

If you have never experienced the brilliance that is Netflix, you must have been living under a rock for the past few years.

Netflix is a popular service that allows you to watch all of your favorite movies and TV shows anytime you want from your TV or computer. However, this summer, Netflix decided to make one tragic error. The service lost around one million subscribers when it announced that it was raising its prices from $9.99 a month to $15.99 for both DVD rentals and instant streaming ($7.99 each). The event has frustrated even Netflix’s most loyal fans. Many people have either split their plan to only include either DVD rentals or instant streaming or have just canceled their service altogether.

However, Netflix continues to assure customers who are still holding on that the increase is ultimately for the best. Previously, Netflix did not have many popular DVDs available for instant streaming; they all had to be ordered, one at a time. Now, due to the price increase, Netflix claims that they will be able to license a larger variety of DVDs for instant streaming and improve their services.

For those of us still clinging to our dreams of watching our favorite shows and movies whenever we want, there is hope. Although Netflix now has 24 million subscribers instead of 25 million, it does not look like they will be going out of business anytime soon.

By Alexis Brenner

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