Keeping up socially, helping out at home, and bracing yourself for upcoming tests. This is the typical life of a high school student. Try adding on sports, musicals, clubs, and all of the other options that Westminster Christian has to offer. Now imagine you're in 12th grade, if you're not already, and looking for a college. There are so many things to think about when applying to schools: How much is it? Can I afford it? Does this school have the majors I want?
Throughout my experience with college search, I’ve been privileged to be accepted everywhere I’ve applied. Though this is a blessing, its also a hindrance. With so many options I don’t have an idea where to begin. I thought that visiting the top 3 schools that had what I was looking for would help, but it didn’t. Looking at schools online can be deceiving because when you actually get there they may look completely different than advertised. Marketing for schools has become an art, an art that unfortunately has been mastered. Finding the right school, needless to say, has been difficult.
I constantly have to reassure myself that God says He’ll never give us more than we can handle and that everything will pan out according to his plan. My advice to my fellow stressing students is to breathe, pick a school and go with it. Remember you can always transfer. Once you pick a school, it's not set in stone unless you want it to be.
By Anais Tabor
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