Slumber Parties: a staple in the average American teenager’s life. These parties usually consist of food, talking, laughing, watching movies, having fun, and just having a good time. Due to the fact that most normal teenagers believe that slumber parties are super fun, Westminster Christian’s high school is going to have a movie night… in pajamas! Although this is not a classic sleepover, it is going to have all of the essential “slumber party” activities.
The party fun is going to begin in the afternoon. There will be several basketball games throughout the day, where students will wear their favorite (modest) pajamas. Then, after the varsity boys’ game the slumber party festivities will begin. There will be food, talking, laughing, and best of all, a movie! The movie will not be revealed until the 22nd, so if you really want to know what great movie will be shown, simply come and find out.
However, the best part of this night is not the great time you will have with friends, but the fact that student government is providing high school students a way to help the greater community. How, you may ask, will watching a movie and wearing pajamas contribute to the world around me? Well, to stay comfortable and cozy throughout the night, you may want to bring a teddy bear or blanket. With this in mind, student government decided to have students leave their bears and blankets behind to help comfort needy children.
So, Westminster Christian High School students, after reading about this great night, make the correct decision and come out to a night of fun and good times. And PLEASE don’t forget to bring something a comforting item to a child in need.
By: Mo Sleeting
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