Through the end of this month of May, the Adler Planetarium – one of the most famous planetariums in the world, located in our very own city of Chicago – is offering free entrance to anyone who accomplishes a specific task. Through the website you can discover the means by which you can receive free entrance. The site specializes in the classification of galaxies and puts it to you – the public – to classify them. This process is not nearly as intimidating as it sounds. The website’s user-friendly interface and tools make this a simple and fun task. Specifically what the site requires is that you classify at least ten galaxies within the Milky Way Project. This is done by utilizing the tools to essentially identify and measure galaxies. Although this may take some concentration, this is a fun challenge to anyone interested in astronomy or who enjoys learning about the expanses of our great universe (or universes). This task most definitely has its rewards and is worthwhile. The Adler Planetarium is very highly acclaimed by many of the most prestigious institutes. From its lenses you can see to the brim of our galaxy and beyond. The countless stars, planets, satellites, and perhaps even other space oddities would come to life as the high-powered telescopes allow you to experience the far reaches of our universe. So do not let this opportunity to slip through your fingers. Take advantage of the chance to see our universe through new eyes! Just follow the directions on this site - - and receive free admition through the end of this month!
By: Anne Lehan
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