Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Justin Bieber Egged in Australia

                There is no doubt that Justin Bieber has many crazed fans and followers. These fans are better known to many as ‘Beliebers.’  However, there are definitely several non-Beliebers which was made clear at a concert the 17-year-old singer performed in Sydney, Australia.
                While the singer was performing a handful of eggs (reportedly six) fell from above and landed at his feet.  However, Justin did not let a few eggs ruin his concert.  He simply took a step back and continued with his dancing and singing.
                Many fans wanted the person that egged Justin Bieber to receive justice, or simply be caught.  Well, to these fans enjoyment authorities found and arrested the young 17-year-old boy.  Many people were confused to why the boy would pay for tickets to see a singer he disliked, just to egg him.  Well, according to reports he did not buy tickets and did not even attend the concert.  Apparently the boy broke into the Acer Arena’s roof and egged him from above.  However, the boy’s plans failed because not one of the eggs hit Justin Bieber.  The boy was arrested at his house and was charged with breaking and entering, trespassing, and damage according to an Australian newspaper.  Since he is a minor, his identity was not allowed to be released. 
                Although Justin Bieber has had many supportive and wonderful fans there have always been some people that do not like him or his music and will do anything to ruin or humiliate him.  Whether it’s giving death threats to his girlfriend or egging him, Justin Bieber has pulled through it all and has not given up on living his dream.
By: Elizabeth Farwell

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