Prom Attire So Good It Belonged On A Boat
Westminster’s Prom took place on May 7. When people think of prom, thoughts often drift towards the dinner, dancing, and attire. The third factor maintains a particular appeal to the girls that plan on attending their prom (or just girls in general for that matter). Westminster Christian has not been known for it’s over the top apparel in the past. Of course the ladies always look lovely, but “froo-froos” and poofs usually aren’t the general attraction. The dresses this year perhaps can be defined as elegant and classy. The one shoulder dress didn’t seem as popular as last year, but nonetheless were worn by a decent portion. Styles ranged from mermaid and fitted to dresses that flowed. Some girls went with the vintage look, adding an extra flare. Because the event took place on a boat at Navy Pier, girls had to be prepared for walking and being outside more than usual. Many brought shawls and shrugs for the walk from the bus to the boat. Not all the girls were so lucky to think of such outerwear, but when all else failed there was the date with 18 layers who gladly donated his jacket. The men, of course, will not be neglected in this year’s “fashion analysis.” Although the attire for men maintains somewhat less of a variation, they had their own personal touches. Various, as custom, matched the tie (or bow tie) to the color of their date’s dress. Others picked colors that complimented their dates dress. Most chose the tie but a select few decided to live large and bow tie it up. The more resourceful gentlemen chose to break free of the grasps of tuxedo normality and instead buy a suit. This alternative proved to be more cost efficient and practical. Needless to say, everyone looked elegant and handsome. But what will be most remembered is not the fashion but the fellowship amongst peers. By: Ellie Fink
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