Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The Capybara, a semi-aquatic mammal, lives primarily in heavy forests near bodies of water like lakes, ponds, rivers, swamps, and marshes in South America.  They are a heavy, barrel shaped animals with short heads and reddish fur on the upper part of their body that becomes yellowish on the lower to underside of its body.  Capybaras grow to about 4-5 in length and 20-25 inches tall.  They typically weigh about 80-150 pounds depending on their gender and breed.  They have slightly webbed feet which allow them to swim faster, their hind legs are longer than their front legs, and their snouts are stubby and rounded.  Capybaras are herbivores, they feed on mostly grass, occasionally fruit, and sometimes even tree bark.  This intense little creature usually lives in groups of about 10-20 of its kind.  However, some of these Capybaras will live by themselves for various reasons.  They are excellent swimmers and can stay under water for up to 5 minutes at a time.    
Wil Woodhouse

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