Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cold Season

It is that time of the year again when the weather begins to get colder and people begin to feel sick. Cold season is here and here are some steps to prevent a cold and if you have one to prevent its spreading.
1.       Wash Your Hands: It's the single, most effective way to keep from catching a cold or spreading one to someone else. Do this especially before eating.

2.       Practice Healthy Habits: Eat right and exercise often to keep your immune system strong—and illness at bay.

3.       Get plenty of sleep.

4.       Soften Your Blows: Nose care can help prevent the spread of colds and alleviate symptoms if you do catch a cold. Blow your nose gently with a soft, clean tissue to help clear your nose of mucus. You'll breathe easier and reduce the spread of germs.

    If one follows these few simple steps they will keep themselves healthy and prevent others from catching a cold as well.

Kevin Elder

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