Recently I had the opportunity to watch, It’s Kind of a Funny Story. Which ended up being, kind of a funny story. As I was scrolling through all the movies that I could possibly watch, I stumbled upon this movie. At first it did not catch my attention, but that’s what made it interesting. Its Kind of a Funny Story is a small story making a small point. It was very simple and drew the audience in just enough to care about and sympathize with the characters in the story. The movie starts out with Craig, a junior in high school, depressed and contemplating suicide. He then admits himself into the psychiatric ward of a hospital. After being admitted he quickly realizes that this is not where he belongs. But he must stay there for at least five days. While in the psychiatric ward Craig learns a lot about himself and about life. Also, while he is there Craig meets some very interesting people. For instance Bobby shows Craig around when he first arrives and ends up becoming one of his closest friends. Craig makes another friend in Noelle, who is a teenager as well. If one is looking for a simple drama that brings a different kind of story to the table that It’s Kind of a Funny Story is for you.
By: Allie Sleeting
Friday, April 29, 2011
Westboro's attempt to protest
On April 14, 2011 in Brandon , MS , a group of angry lunatics called the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) attempted to protest Staff Sergeant Jason Roger’s (United States Army) funeral, who was killed in Afghanistan . The group is from Kansas and made a special trip to Mississippi just to make themselves look terrible.
Rumor has it that one of the WBC members had made an ignorant comment at the local grocery store and was beaten up for it. Strangely enough, when the police were investigating, none of the witnesses seemed to recall what had happened and the victim fortunately could not make a clear description of who had attacked him. Maybe violence was not the way to handle it, but something definitely needed to be done.
The citizens of Brandon did everything in their power to keep the insanity to a minimal. One of the townspeople actually spotted the Kansas license plates on some vehicles at a nearby hotel where the WBC members had been staying for the night. In the morning several county pick-up trucks were parked behind their cars blocking them in and the drivers of the trucks had disappeared until the funeral was over. Conclusion: WBC members failed miserably in their attempt to make a point. The only point they made is that they are ill-informed of what the Bible has to say.
It is so unfortunate to think that there really are people out there that are anti-war to the point where they protest outside of someone’s funeral. Just because one disagrees with another person’s choice of career certainly does not give them the right to rejoice in knowing that another American has died. In fact, the only reason that the WBC group even has the right to speak freely is because that man, along with many others, died trying to protect that freedom. Too many people do not understand the “rights” that we as Americans have are privileges. These “rights” are not just handed to us. Real people are out overseas fighting every day to make sure that we can be allowed to have these opportunities. The misguided group members probably would love to have a soldier protecting them if the Taliban or Al-Qaida showed up in their backyard ready to attack. Hopefully one day they will see the hurt that they have caused to so many people. Until then, all there’s left to do is pray for them.
By: Kelly Beecher
Thursday, April 28, 2011
If it was a long day and you’re stressed and have a headache, what’s the best fix? No, it’s not medicine, its sleep. There are different stages of sleep. During stage one; there is a 50 percent reduction in body and brain activity seen in wakefulness. Eyes are also closed during this phase of sleep but if a person is awoken during this phase they will not feel as if they have slept. (The Sleep Channel.) Stage two is also characterized with light sleep where stillness of the body is disturbed by twitches. Physical symptoms during this stage include slowed heart rate, and body temperature drop. This is a transitory period from light sleep to deep sleep. (The Sleeping Channel.) Stage three and four of sleep are considered deep sleep and the persons breathing and heart rate decrease. During phase five there is a remarkable change in a person’s physiological state. There is rapid eye movement, an increase in heart rate and respiration, and twitching in face, fingers, and legs all characterize this phase of sleep. But partial paralysis also occurs during phase five.
Sleep is by far the most vital part of a busy person’s life, and every moment should be treasured and valued. Now since we know very well that every person is different, every person sleeps in a different position. Those who curl up in the fetus position are described as tough on the outside but soft on the inside. They may be shy at first, but they soon relax. This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41% of the 1,000 people who took part in the survey. Lying on your side with both arms down by your side means your easy going, and social. You like being part of the in-crowd. However, they may be gullible. People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds but when they do, they are unlikely to change it. Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side usually means they can be nervy and don't like criticism, or intense situations. Sleepers who lay on their back with both arms up around the pillow make good friends because they are ready to listen to others, and offer help. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.
As you can see, there’s always a psychology to everything.
By: Anais Tabor
Oregon Surgeon Operates on the Wrong Eye
Four-year-old Jesse Matlock went into surgery last week, his surgeon was suppose to operate on his wandering right eye, but instead performed the surgery on the left eye. The little boy hardly noticed any difference, yet his parents did. It was already nerve-wracking to have their son undergo surgery, but to find out it was done on the wrong eye was astounding.
Having the wrong procedure done is supposed to never happen. The right eye was marked right before the child was put under, which relieved the parents' stress.
During the procedure, however, the doctor started the surgery on the left eye, realized her mistake and then proceeded to do the surgery on the correct eye. The most upsetting thing was that the doctor didn't tell the parents until it was already done. When the doctor came out and told the mother and father, she explained it in medical terms. With the parents already confused, she then explained that she lost her sense of direction and operated on both eyes.
"The surgeon in this case immediately disclosed this error to the family, and we notified our board of directors," Legacy Emanuel Medical Center.
To father Dale this statement is "not even close" to being acceptable to the family. Every time one of the family members thinks of the outcome, they wonder what happened, what went wrong in that medical room.
Currently, it is still a wonder as to whether Jesse's eyes will be okay, considering they are still on the mists of healing. It takes six weeks to heal, and it has already been two. For the left eye, the worries continue. As for the right eye, the original eye that needed the surgery will have to undergo corrective surgery, yet again.
As of now, the boy’s vision seems to be fine. Until the child heals, the results will not be known. Please, keep this little boy and his family in your prayers!By: Becky Welc
Lollapalooza: a summer festival anyone can enjoy
On April 26th something happened that thousands of people have been been waiting for, for a long time, the release of the official lineup for this year’s Lollapalooza festival in Chicago. This year the festival takes place in Grant Park on August 5-7 and the lineup has already gotten a lot of people talking. If people came back to Lollapalooza now after going to the first one in 1991 they wouldn't recognize it. Back then Lollapalooza counted on big performances from bands like Nine Inch Nails and Jane's Addiction. And for the next few years they kept this sort of hard rock grunge sound at the basis of the festival. But now if someone were to stroll from stage to stage they may not even know most of the bands playing. And even the bigger name bands that are playing are nothing like the popular bands from back then. In the past Lollapalooza would bring out the loudest and craziest rock bands to the stage. But now the main staging bands are much more diverse. It goes from rap with Eminem, to hard rock with Muse and A Perfect Circle, and then slows down with Coldplay and the Foo Fighters. And for the first time ever Lollapalooza has really opened its doors to the techno scene bringing big name techno bands like Deadmau5 and Skrillex. And for those who prefer the classics and aren't into the new music scene they have a great list of classic bands to choose from with Ween, My Morning Jacket and the Cars who are all attending the festival this year. And of course they have also thrown in many indie favorites like Local Native, Beirut, and Ok Go. So this year Lollapalooza has really opened its doors and has shown that it is truly a festival that anyone can enjoy.
Econ Students Work with Kiva for a Global Cause
The senior class of 2011 is leaving its legacy in Mr. Huddleston’s Economics class. Katie Pluymert felt that God was calling the econ students to get involved in global ministries through a program called Kiva. Kiva is a non-profit organization that works with microfinance institutions to provide loans to people without access to traditional banking systems. The loans give men and women trapped by poverty stricken circumstances to provide for themselves. Kiva envisions, “a world where all people - even in the most remote areas of the globe - hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others.” They also believe in “providing safe, affordable access to capital to those in need helps people create better lives for themselves and their families.”
Lenders have a wide variety of options to select their borrower from, including gender, occupation, or location. Loans are given in $25 increments. As with normal loans, the borrower eventually pays back the money to the lender. The lender then has the option of withdrawing the money they originally gave or giving it to another person’s loan account.
This year’s econ class is just the first installment. Each individual period selected one person to support. When the money is paid back the future econ classes will use the money in addition to money of their own and continue to invest in other borrowers.
The students are excited about the opportunity to help support those looking to give themselves a better future. They also look forward to where God will take the opportunity in years to come through the future economic students of Westminster.
By: Ellie Fink
27th of April, 2011
The birth certificate of Barak Obama has officially been revealed to the Public. People called "birthers" claim that President Obama was in fact born in Kenya or another location rather than in the United States, a requirement to be president of the United States. President Obama has always dismissed the idea of letting this certificate coming out because of its "silliness". He was quoted, "We've got better stuff to do. I have better stuff to do. We've got big programs to solve, and I'm confident we can solve them, but we're going to have to focus on them - not on this."
During the 2008 campaign, President Obama made it apparent that he was in fact a natural U.S. born citizen and that he was eligible to run for the President seat. Officials in Hawaii (the place of his birth), his passport, and a computer copy were shown to the public but it still did not stop people from question the authenticity.
Donald Trump, famous U.S. entrepreneur and possible Republican running candidate took credit upon himself for 'pushing' Obama to release the official birth certificate. "He should have done it a long time ago", Trump said.
Despite releasing the official birth certificate, some people are still not satisfied. Joseph Farah, the chief executive of a "birther" website said that the certificate "raises as many questions as it answers".
To me, it is unclear why so many people continue to use their energy to try and disprove President Obama's place of birth. With this much energy exerted for a cause that is unlikely to prove anything, it becomes clear that it is not about the actual authenticity of his U.S. citizenship, but rather a ploy to get him out of office. All the arguments the "birthers" use are weak and have no actual proof of Barak Obama being born anywhere outside of the U.S. Nearly all of these arguments are based off their own assumptions and his rich ethnic background including living in Indonesia when he was a young boy. If any of their arguments had a respectable basis of questioning, more people would have been concerned and not concerned now, but before he was elected president. It seems quite obvious to me that President Obama was born a U.S. citizen.
[Written with the help of BBC.]
By: Josh Palmer
During the 2008 campaign, President Obama made it apparent that he was in fact a natural U.S. born citizen and that he was eligible to run for the President seat. Officials in Hawaii (the place of his birth), his passport, and a computer copy were shown to the public but it still did not stop people from question the authenticity.
Donald Trump, famous U.S. entrepreneur and possible Republican running candidate took credit upon himself for 'pushing' Obama to release the official birth certificate. "He should have done it a long time ago", Trump said.
Despite releasing the official birth certificate, some people are still not satisfied. Joseph Farah, the chief executive of a "birther" website said that the certificate "raises as many questions as it answers".
To me, it is unclear why so many people continue to use their energy to try and disprove President Obama's place of birth. With this much energy exerted for a cause that is unlikely to prove anything, it becomes clear that it is not about the actual authenticity of his U.S. citizenship, but rather a ploy to get him out of office. All the arguments the "birthers" use are weak and have no actual proof of Barak Obama being born anywhere outside of the U.S. Nearly all of these arguments are based off their own assumptions and his rich ethnic background including living in Indonesia when he was a young boy. If any of their arguments had a respectable basis of questioning, more people would have been concerned and not concerned now, but before he was elected president. It seems quite obvious to me that President Obama was born a U.S. citizen.
[Written with the help of BBC.]
By: Josh Palmer
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Senior Ditch Day
On Tuesday, April 26, the seniors at WCS ditched school together and traveled to Chicago for a day of fun. Everyone had to get to the Big Timber train station at about 7:30 before the train headed out ten minutes later. Once aboard the train, everyone from Westminster was able to sit in one car. We were lucky to get so many seats together so we could chat and have a great ride to our destination.
It took about an hour until we arrived at Union Station and soon after arrival we set out for Millennium Park . Before long people split up into smaller groups to do their own thing around the city. While walking around Chicago we visited some famous places and landmarks such as the Bean, Buckingham Fountain, and Navy Pier. Time seemed to fly and after around four and a half hours it was time to go home. Some people boarded the train back to Elgin later than others but the good thing is, we all got back. Overall, the Senior Ditch Day was a success. Even though it rained, we all had a great time and enjoyed spending time with our friends outside of school.
By Brittany Booth
Kings of Leon and Glee End Brawl
In late January of 2011, Kings of Leon and the television show cast of “Glee” had an argument whether Glee should be able to cover a song of the band Kings of Leon. The band declined. This made Ryan Murphy, the creator of “Glee”, lash out. Nathan Followill wrote via Twitter some very rude comments about Murphy. Not only did this make Murphy furious, but it also created an unnecessary fight between the two bands.
Later that day, after Murphy had read the tweet, he just had to fight back. Again via twitter Followhill made another status claiming he was truly sorry about what he said to Murphy and that it wasn’t the real him. Either way, Murphy was still upset, not because of what Nathan said, but that they declined to having their song sung to kids. “-and they missed the big picture. They missed that a 7-year-old kid can see someone close to their age singing a Kings of Leon song, which will maybe make them want to join a glee club or pick up a musical instrument. It's like, OK, hate on arts education. You can make fun of “Glee” all you want, but at its heart, what we really do is turn kids on to music.”
This was said via the magazine. But recently thanks to Gwyneth Paltrow text messaging the two fighting bands, she realized they needed to get over it and just drop it. Successfully they did and now they are no longer fighting. This made many fans of both groups extremely happy.
By: Ashley Kivikoski
Facebook Creeping
Facebook Creeping: Everybody does it. And I know it’s not just me, its you too. Have you ever been so bored that you go through all of someone’s pictures? Or how about just randomly looking at someone’s wall and clicking “see more posts?" What about going on one of your friend’s walls and seeing someone cute then adding them even though you don’t know them just so that you get a taste of what they’re like? Well I know I have and so have the majority of Facebook users these days. Now no needs to be embarrassed, it’s like the common cold. It spreads like wildfire once you’re with a group of your friends and nothing to do. Some are more obvious than others with this whole “creeping” thing. They tend to go through your pictures and like every picture or even just pick one that is right smack dab in the middle, so you know they’ve been going through your pictures. But I’d have to say the best thing is when you happen to add someone you don’t and all of a sudden they think its ok to like your pictures or things that your friends have posted on your wall. But the best part by far is when they get offended when you ask them “do I know you?” A lot of this Facebook creeping comes from a lack of things to do or a group of teenage girls/guys getting together. Have you ever noticed that you creep a lot more when you’re with your friends or when you log in and you don’t have any notifications but you just don’t want to log off? The sad thing is that we don’t even realize that we’re doing it half of the time. Whenever we see that someone is in a relationship with a person who we don’t know the first thing everybody says is “let’s go look at their Facebook.” We never know who could be creeping on our Facebook but then again we wouldn’t want someone to know that we were doing the exact same thing.
By: Beatrice Ponce
By: Beatrice Ponce
Obsession with self
Today we look at society and find things that we know are morally unjust. Things such as murder, rape, theft, cheating, and the list goes on. But my question is why do human beings treat each other this way? We are all in the same boat together, we live on the same planet, and we have the same problems. I believe the reason that people treat each other in ways people should not be treated, is because our society has taught us to only care for ourselves. Our self interest wants us to find what your heart desires, then strive to that end no matter who or what gets in our way. People are so self absorbed that they have no time to talk to the homeless guy, or even help an elderly lady cross the street. It is our obsession with self that drives us to do such things. We never stop trying to become greater, richer, and or, more important. Any number of things could have been named off in the sentence above; it just depends on the person. We are all guilty of this self obsession and none of us seem to care that we do not care about most people around us.
Self obsession in and of itself does not seem all that important a social problem; ultimately it is the root of multiple social problems today. For example why do people steal, cheat, lie, embezzle money, put others down, show off, and cut corners? It is because they are trying to make their existence more favorable than it is at that moment in time. This idea of the need for more is rooted in our society today, along with the idea that more is always better. As an example take someone who makes one hundred thousand dollars a year in salary. In general is this person content? Or would this person like to make one million dollars a year? Self interest dictates the person would opt for the one million dollars a year, but which is better, A or B? This person can live on either but of course they would take the salary that pays more just because it is more. A few years down the road this person will become dissatisfied with their current one million dollar salary and want more.
This obsession with more is what dives our world today and in return we receive what we have sewn. This is a society that is so self-absorbed with its own endeavors that we can only see as far as the next goal in our seemingly important lives. We are human like the rest of the world, so why do we need a one million dollar a year salary? The unhappy truth is that we’d not want to hear that we really don’t need all of that money and that more is not always better. Monetary gain should not be the most important thing in life. Our human nature tells us that we need that new thing or more money or more power. But really all we need is air, water, food, a place to sleep and people around us who love us for who we are. If we could all just look past the smog called monetary gain and see others beyond our own self obsession. We should realize, (before it’s too late) that we are reliant on each other. Without each other, each of us would have nothing. Only then can this obsession with self be cured, from the inside out, starting with the individual.
By: Greg Benson
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
American Idol
Over the years many reality television shows have been successful while others have been cut. But what makes a reality television show special? Some say it is the ability adapt. This means to create a new formula every once in a while in order to keep the audience's attention. One television show that has been successful over the years is American Idol. Although the show continued to bring in viewers, a change was needed to keep things interesting. The chain reaction of change was brought about when Paula Abdul left the show a few seasons ago. After her departure, Kara DioGuardi was brought onto the show along with Ellen Degeneres. But they soon left the show. Along with DioGuardi and Degeneres another judge left last season. Simon Cowell was one of the most controversial parts of American Idol, and was one of the biggest reasons the show became such a huge success. Last year when Cowell announced his departure many people wondered how the show would do without him. This change on the show brought many viewers back to see what this new version of American Idol would be like and if it really could survive without him. To many of the viewer’s satisfaction this season is by far one of the best. But no one really knows the exact reason why. It could be that everyone is in favor of the two new judges, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler. Or that the talent of the current season might be the best American Idol has ever seen. Although Cowell's tough love is sometimes missed on the show, he certainly was not the staple that held the reality TV show together.
By: Allie Sleeting
Tips for a long flight
Unfortunately, my trip back to Korea was the hardest one I've ever had. Not only did I miss my flight on Monday, but that I my seatmate laid down across two seats. She also snored really loud, her feet often touched my arms, and she even took my pillow in sleep. Moreover, I had nothing to do for about 13 hours. I did not bring a book, which was a huge mistake, and the only thing I could do with my laptop was play solitaire. Therefore, after watching King's Speech and Tron, I slept the whole time in the airplane.
Therefore, here are some tips for a long airplane ride.
The most important thing to do is make your self comfortable. You can start this by reserving a good seat. Even within the same class, some seats are far better than others. If you want more leg room or go to restroom often, aisle seat is for you. While a window seat is better for those who want to sleep. Seats near the lavatories are the worst since people are constantly walking by, making noises, and bumping your elbows.
Good things to bring on an airplane include your own headphones, iPod, toothbrush, snacks, eye drops, gum, and lip balm.
After being comfortable, it is your responsibility to make yourself entertained. Movies usually do not start right away, so it is good to bring your own iPod or book.
Several hours of quiet time is also a great opportunity to get some work done. Make sure to keep materials at a minimum, since you only have a tray table. Watching movies is an easy way to spend time. These days, airlines provide a good variety of movies with music channels and games.
Making friends is the most beneficial thing to do on an airplane ride. Unlike your usual community, on the airplane, you can meet people you would have probably never met. The conversation with those people can help you educate yourself and even develop a good relationship.
By: Yoha Lee
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Underage Drinking Spike during Prom Season
Prom season, a time recognized for its overpriced attire, dinner, dancing, and after parties. One particular component of the prom festivities has led to the time of year’s newest label, the “killing season.” The debatably extreme nickname can be explained in just two words, underage drinking. Underage drinking is the most overlooked element of prom. Many public schooling systems have instated various alcohol prevention techniques such as random breathalyzer tests. But despite the regulations placed on the actual dance the actual problem is just beginning as students leave. The drinking primarily takes place at what students call the “real parties.”
"Prom and graduation season is here again - this is a time for celebration," says Susan Molinari, Chairman of The Century Council. "Unfortunately, these happy occasions sometimes involve underage drinking which can result in tragedy. It is no secret that children under 21 years old are drinking. It is therefore critical that parents keep the lines of communication open when it comes to talking to their kids about the dangers of underage drinking and drunk driving."
Statistics show that Prom-Graduation season, April, May and June, is the most dangerous time for teens. The effects are seen most evidently on the roads. One-third of the alcohol-related traffic fatalities involving teens each year occur during those months. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, during Prom and Graduation Season in 2005, 676 students under the age of 21 were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes.
Research from the insurance industry, The Partnership at (formerly The Partnership for a Drug-Free America), and Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) shows 70 percent of high school juniors and seniors expect their peers to drink and drive on prom night.
The key to stopping underage drinking is through countering peer pressure and partnering with the student’s parents. Many parents have adopted the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy in regards to their child’s drinking habits. Some parents consider drinking at prom a rite of passage, while others simply ignore what’s going on.
Adrian Lopez, director of community outreach for Drug Free Youth in Town expresses the main message in terms of deterring underage drinking, “Don't let prom be your last dance."
By: Ellie Fink
Hello, Someone Special
Just recently, a very important member of the WCS student body left the United States and returned to South Korea . Yoha Lee, a high school senior, knew that she would have to go back home when, just a few weeks ago, she heard that her grandfather was very ill.
Yoha left the states on Tuesday and arrived in Korea early Wednesday morning. Her flight was supposed to leave on Monday but was delayed for quite a while. Even though Yoha will not be back at WCS for the remainder of the year, she will continue her studies at home and will also receive her high school diploma.
Everyone here at school who knows Yoha will be missing her cheerful face and fun personality. Luckily for us though, she will not be gone forever! Yoha hopes to attend college here in the United States . She may even be able to visit her teachers and friends at Westminster again some time.
By Brittany Booth
We love you Yoha!! ~(Your Journalism class)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
End of the year crunch
It’s the end of the year, and seniors are counting down the days, and I’m assuming that most other students are as well, probably even the teachers. It’s a very bittersweet feeling of being done with high school. The sadness of leaving is overwhelming but there is joy in the very same thing is as well. Now that there’s such little time left, teachers are cramming in work and giving us things to keep us busy. Most students aren’t focused on school work, but focused on getting the work over with and celebrating summers arrival. The time crunch of high school ending this year is overwhelming and is undeniably nerve-wracking. Sometimes we as students wonder whether or not to do the work at the end of the school year is worth doing or not. Our grades are primarily set and it is already determined if we have to take finals are not, so why bother? One teacher told me that it’s because God calls us to do as we asked, and though I feel convicted about that, my sinful nature tells me to slack off. So far, I’ve been slowly sliding down and find myself in another world in classrooms. Motivation is needed and seems to be lost. The crunch of the end of the school year is here, and it’s inevitable.
By: Anais Tabor
Article about Murderers loses focus
Chuck Goudie, a reporter from the Daily Herald, wrote an article about Illinois and how often murderers are officiated with it. I decided that this article would be interesting and topical, especially since me and everyone reading this are from Illinois. What he found is unsettling.
In his research he found that the average amount of jail time spent for murder in Illinois is less than 15 years. This is a glaring statistic; however he goes down an interesting path very quickly in trying to make a point. He gives an example of someone who murdered his sister and talks about how he should be put away for life and was flabbergasted that he only received a 40 year sentence. Since the jailing system in the United States is based on the idea that inmates can be rehabilitated, it is then a weak argument to make. He should not argue about whether or not he agrees with the way our prison systems are. That is a completely different argument all together. He had a chance to bring up an interesting topic about murderers and talk about how many of them there are in Illinois or something like that, but instead he gets sidetracked and was political about it.
By: Ben Stevenson
Hawks Playoffs
The Blackhawks are coming back this season as the defending Stanley Cup champions. But so far, they have not looked the same as they did last year. Although they lost a lot of players due to salary cap issues, they had their main guys back. They barely made it to the playoffs and were down 3-1 to the Canucks in this first round of playoffs series going into Tuesday’s game. All looked hopeless for Hawks fans and seemed as if it would be the last of the season, but it wasn’t.
The Hawks came out strong, scoring the first goal and controlling the game early. It was tied 1-1 at the end of the first period but they had momentum heading into the second period, having 13 shots to Vancouver in the first. In the second the Hawks shot as many as in the first and put 4 in the back of the net, which put them up 5-1 and kept the lead, beating the Canucks 7-2.
If you didn’t know, Vancouver has one of the best goalies in the NHL, Roberto Luongo, who on average allows less than 3 goals per game. Yet the Hawks managed to score 6 on him before he was pulled from the game. Although all the goals they scored was a shock, the big surprise was how big of an impact Bolland was returning to the ice after being out with a concussion for the 6 weeks prior to the game. He ended up with a goal and 3 assists, which is quite a bit for his first game back.
This last game has given me and many other Hawks fans a glimpse of hope and if Bolland keep sit up or other players keep stepping up we could see and underdog comeback for Chicago.
By: Ian Dutcher
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
16-Year-Old Girl Survives Fall from Golden Gate Bridge
On Tuesday, April 18th, a 16-year-old girl either jumped or fell off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco . Officials are still trying to figure out whether it was attempted suicide or just an accident. She was the second teen to plummet from the bridge, which is a 220-foot fall, within two months.
After the 16-year-old plummeted off the bridge, she spent 20 minutes in the water below before getting rescued. Firemen got the first call at 10:53 a.m. and the Coast Guard rescued her precisely at 11:13 a.m. She was taken to the hospital immediately but her conditions were not released right away. Many people say it was a miracle that the girl even survived because according 25 people per year die from either falling or jumping off the bridge.
On March 10th, a 17-year-old boy jumped off the bridge during a school field trip. He reportedly told the rescuers that he did it for fun. Little did he know that more than 1,300 people have gotten killed falling off the bridge. Lucky for him, he only broke his tail bone and tore his lung.
Since the Golden Gate Bridge opened in the 1930s it has been a popular spot for suicides. According to reports, there were 31 suicides last year by people jumping of the bridge. Furthermore, there have been more than 1,300 people killed since the bridge opened, whether it was suicide or just an accident.
The 16-year-old girl and the 17-year-old boy are among the very few survivors of those who plummet from the Golden Gate Bridge . Whether someone tries to commit suicide or just an accidently fall there is a higher percentage of them dying rather than them surviving. About 677 people changed their minds from committing suicide to saving their life after looking down the 220-foot drop to the waters below. It is a blessing for this girl to have survived.
By: Elizabeth Farwell
BP Oil Spill: Anniversary Edition
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the record-breaking BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The spill, which released more than 2 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, wreaked environmental havoc on the shorelines of the Gulf as well as its deep sea-life. 11 lives were lost, and millions of sea creatures, land animals and seabirds were killed by this massive disaster. The economies in the southern regions of Mississippi, Louisiana, and other southern states were severely wounded by the sudden insufficiency of jobs. According to the Surfrider Foundation, “One year later the situation is still dire, with over 66 miles of coastline still posted as moderately or severely oiled and 1,000 square miles of ocean still closed to fishing. Economists believe that up to $783 million in commercial fishing losses and 11,000 jobs have been lost in Louisiana alone.” This spill, caused by an explosion in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, was the largest and most devastating in all of history. According to the AP, “The deadly blowout of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico was triggered by a bubble of methane gas that escaped from the well and shot up the drill column, expanding quickly as it burst through several seals and barriers before exploding, according to interviews with rig workers conducted during BP’s internal investigation.” Today, one year later, not much has changed. Though the actual leak has been contained, the effects of the spill remain monumental. "Dispersant-laden oil continues to wash up on Gulf coast beaches threatening coastal recreation and the environment," says Chad Nelsen, Environmental Director for the Surfrider Foundation. These lasting effects will continue to afflict the coast unless a united effort is made by BP or the government to clean up this mess that was once beautiful shoreline.

By: Anne Lehan
Teen Asks Mom to Prom
Prom, being a tradition around this time of year, is usually the most important event of a senior’s year. For Malcolm Pichon, his senior prom will be remembered by not only himself, but by his mother as well.
This New Orleans’ Salmen High School senior had to ask his date two times before she said yes. At first she thought it was merely a joke, but after being asked for a second time Mrs. Pichon decided to accompany her son to his senior prom. His idea for asking this particular person came about from the fact that his mother was a teen mom and had dropped out of school. Therefore, this meant no prom for her.
After twenty years, the Pichon mother was able to attend a senior prom. The rest of the family supported this action. Then came that day to take pictures and help her get ready. Dressing up in her daughter's prom dress and taking pictures with her son dressed up in a tuxedo, Pichon nearly fell to tears multiple times. Malcolm figured that since he was leaving for college soon, this would be the perfect opportunity to give his mom the memory of a lifetime.
The Pichon family represents the true love of a family. Bonding is an important part of a well-rounded relationship. Friendships tend to come and go, yet family will always be there. You can’t pick and choose who your family can be, but you can choose what kind of foundation to have with them.
Even more important than general family relationships is a parent and child’s. A parent must show their child that they love them on a daily basis. Yet it is also important for a child to do the same. Families don’t typically realize how hurtful their actions can be. Yet it's the loving actions that are remembered for a lifetime.
By: Becky Welc
Rioting in the streets of Nigeria.
In Kaduna, the state capital of Kaduna State, streets lay traced with burned bodies. The new election results with President Goodluck Jonathan being declared winner has stirred up controversy to the point of violent rioting. Followers and advocates for opponent Muhammadu Buhari were not happy with the election results. Over the past years, diversity among the country has grown, causing a very Christian and Muslim dense environment. It seems to be a pattern of violence from when political officials are elected.
Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, has experienced heightening tensions in the past decade which has crippled the nation's potential. One of the main reasons as to why followers of the former military leader, Buhari are upset is because they believe the polls could have been rigged. With a 10 million vote advantage Jonathan to Buhari, there is reason to be suspicious. Especially with ballot rigging in Nigeria's past, people are not satisfied with the dishonesty.
Despite the extreme violence, the country is doing its best to maintain peace and keep violence to a minimum. Nigeria is fairly new to democracy embracing it nearly 12 years ago. The image of Nigerian oppression, due to military leaders, is still clear to many Nigerian people.
Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, has experienced heightening tensions in the past decade which has crippled the nation's potential. One of the main reasons as to why followers of the former military leader, Buhari are upset is because they believe the polls could have been rigged. With a 10 million vote advantage Jonathan to Buhari, there is reason to be suspicious. Especially with ballot rigging in Nigeria's past, people are not satisfied with the dishonesty.
Despite the extreme violence, the country is doing its best to maintain peace and keep violence to a minimum. Nigeria is fairly new to democracy embracing it nearly 12 years ago. The image of Nigerian oppression, due to military leaders, is still clear to many Nigerian people.
By: Josh Palmer
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Standardized Testing
Last week Westminster ’s underclassmen were to undergo standardized testing. While they were doing this the juniors stayed in the Chapel watching movies and the seniors had a field trip that they attended. When standardized testing is brought up students first reactions are to freak out. I mean come on, nobody wants to stay in a room for four hours filling in bubbles on a scan-tron sheet, but it’s for a good cause. The standardized testing lets the school know how they are teaching us and how far along we are in our learning. Our teachers don’t do it to torture us but to help us succeed and know where our strong and weak points are in the classroom setting. Everybody had to go through those gruesome four hours but in the end it was way better than being in a real class. Everyone will reach junior and senior year when they won’t have to do the testing anymore. In reality, the testing helps us in school and we really shouldn’t complain. It doesn’t really count for anything like the ACT or SAT but it should count in our mindset. But the PLAN test that gets taken sophomore year is helpful with college. It will help you realize what score range you will get when you take the ACT your junior year. In reality standardized testing helps more than it hurts.
By: Beatrice Ponce
By: Beatrice Ponce
Tornadoes In The South
It’s obvious that nobody likes to deal with Tornadoes. But this past week that’s all the southern states have seen. The storms began in Oklahoma on Thursday, moved through the South and hit the East Coast by Saturday. A total of 241 tornadoes were reported and fifty confirmed. The death toll included seven people in Alabama , seven in Arkansas , two in Oklahoma , and one in Mississippi . In North Carolina twenty-two people died and eighty people were injured in this catastrophe. These tornadoes have hit thirteen states and each state has faced its different difficulties. Houses in the path ways of these tornadoes were flattened and even demolished. What took years to build, cities were just broken down by these disasters in minutes.Virginia even faced a massive power outage. Thank goodness for generators because if not Virginia would have stayed in this position of distress. Southern states are more likely to get tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods but the loss of many people is shocking everyone. Bertie County Manager Zee Lamb said, “The thing about this storm that is different than a typical tornado was the width. It wasn't just 100 or 200 yards wide, but a half-mile wide and it stayed on the ground for six miles or so." The storms started to let up last Sunday but the states are still staying cautious so that they can be ready just in case there is another disaster.
By: Beatrice Ponce
A Life Without Limbs
Nick Vujicic is a 28-year-old. He enjoys fishing, swimming, and listening to alternative music. He has gone skateboarding, snorkeling, and even surfing with Bethany Hamilton. It seems like he has the typical life of a young man his age, but Nick is different than most people in various ways. Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs, without any diagnosed medical reason.
Nick was an extremely happy child, but he was not always comfortable with his situation. As he got older and went to school kids would tease him because of the absence of arms and legs. His mom insisted that he went to the mainstream school in their neighborhood in Australia instead of the separate school that was for handicapped kids and kids with mental disabilities. Nick was a very smart boy; he had no disabilities besides having no limbs. His mom attended several meetings and was striving to do whatever it took to have her son attend the mainstream school. She finally succeeded and Nick was one of the first to be integrated to a mainstream school.
Nick was bullied throughout his school years. Many kids and classmates teased him because of his situation. When he was eight years old suicidal thoughts occurred frequently in his mind. He felt like he had become a burden and was very unsure of what was to come in his future. He was scared of what would come of him when he grew up and was on his own. He often blamed God for how he was treated and his condition. However, Nick Vujicic sought the Lord and regained strength. He soon became a very faithful and even stronger Christian.
As Nick was attending high school he realized that many people were affected by his story. He prayed often and felt like the Lord was leading him to tell others his story. So, he decided to travel and speak out to people. His stories gave people hope, not just hope in their selves, but hope in the Lord. He has visited over 25 countries and even moved from Australia to the United States because he has gotten so many calls to come and speak in the U.S. His job now is a motivational speaker and evangelist.
Nick Vujicic started a non-profit organization called Life Without Limbs and even wrote a book with the same name. His book is about all the love and hope he received from people around the globe and how he wants to share it with everyone as well. He talks about how he has been invited to share his story, testimony, and faith all over the world and in some very unexpected places. He explains how hard someone may think they have it but when they take a look at him and do not feel as sorry for themselves; they feel sorry for him. However, Nick does not feel sorry for himself in any way. He wants people to realize how important and precious they are to God.
Nick Vujicic is a very inspiring man. He has DVDS, a book – Life Without Limbs, YouTube videos, and even his own blog. If you want to learn more about Nick’s life or hear what he has to say, you can go to or you can even search him on YouTube.
By: Elizabeth Farwell
Warriors Fight Back
The Lady Warriors took a lose against Rockford Christian on Monday April 11th (5-12). But when Rockford Christian came to the Warrior's home field, they defeated them in the blink of an eye. The resulting score was 9-6. Rachel Fugiel, a freshmen, pitched the entire game and only allowed one hit and had 10 strikes.
By: Ashley Kivikoksi
WCS seniors serve in Zambia
Spring break is a time for students and teachers to relax, get away, and take time to recuperate before getting started on the last quarter of the school year. Some people stay home and rest, and others go out of town to escape. But for still others, spring break is a time to give to others. The students of Westminster Christian High School did that this winter in the Dominican Republic , and in a similar fashion, my classmate Alex Howell and I headed to Samfya , Zambia to serve over the spring recess this year.
We traveled with our youth group, Student Impact, through Willow Creek Community Church . Our team of eight high school students and four leaders took off on March 17 from O’Hare airport and connected to Washington DC before boarding a 19-hour flight across the Atlantic Ocean to Johannesburg , South Africa . After another day of travel, we arrived in Samfya , Zambia , a small fishing province in the northern part of the nation. While we were there, our team’s main project was to re-construct the home of a woman in her eighties named Christine, whose house was in disrepair. Her thatched roof was leaky and full of homes, and she had no access to clean drinking water without walking a significant distance to the nearby basic school and carrying the water back herself. The Student Impact team and a group of local workers helped in the construction of her hut, in addition to adding a well with clean water for her use and a garden to help her generate income. Christine is the sole provider for her four grandchildren, as all ten of her children and her husband have all passed away, many of them from HIV/AIDS.
Our team also spent time bonding with the students at Samfya High School , running an after school program to help the local children learn English, and studying the Bible with the local youth. All of our activities were in partnership with Samfya Community Care Providers (SCCP), a small organization of 24 local churches coming together to serve their community in whatever way they can. Among many other things, SCCP offers micro loans to help the Samfyans generate their own income, assistance to students, and Home Based Care, which provides medicine for those affected with HIV/AIDS and other diseases and makes home visits to document progress and give aid whenever possible. Currently, Willow Creek Community Church is the sole sponsor of SCCP.
My visit to Samfya was life changing to me, and I know I will never be the same. If any of my peers reading this are contemplating going on a mission trip while they are in high school, I highly recommend it. God will take your world and turn it upside-down.
By: Katie Pluymert
New homes for Japanese
After the horrible earthquake Japan suffered in March that demolished millions of Japanese homes, temporary housing is finally being put up. The housing isn’t the best and is nothing like home to the Japanese, but it’s the best they can manage right now. The temporary “units,” which resemble compact double-wide trailers, feature new appliances and two small bedrooms each. They are the first constructed “homes” built in Japan since the March 11 disaster quake. Many people in the country are happy to be focusing on putting up these temporary houses because it’s a mental change from focusing on death and destruction in the country, which is all that has been mentioned for the last 40 days or so. With more than 150,000 people still spending time at shelters across northern Japan, officials are aiming to build temporary housing for 62,000 households. Families will be expected to have back permanent housing within two years. Both Japanese and American Officials faced many challenges in completing the first temporary housing units. The effort involved coordination between central and regional governments to find suitable public land which was extremely hard to find after the damage of the quake. Once the sites were chosen, the Japanese Red Cross provided electrical items, and Peace Winds Japan supplied basic necessities such as kitchenware and bedding. Things that are taken for granted here in the United States every day. With more and more families just happy to have running water and a bed again it’s getting easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel for the reconstruction of Japan.
By: Taylor Depola
By: Taylor Depola
Big shoes to fill
As the year slowly creeps to an end it’s hard to believe that we will soon be saying goodbye to the seniors and beginning the summer break. When summer comes to a sad end we will be back in school and we will, of course, have a new senior class! The junior class has some big shoes to fill with the legacy left behind by the previous class. With this year’s graduating class making huge leaps in all academic and non-academic areas it’s no surprise it will be hard to let the class go. With great performances in theatre, sports, music, and charity work. The junior class will have to learn from the class before them and follow in the glorious footsteps of the seniors. Thankfully the junior class has watched and learned from the senior class as they took notes on a lot of the things the senior class achieved this year. We had a Science Olympiad team go to state and rank seventh out of a large amount of schools and without the seniors on the team it would have been an impossible achievement. Many senior graduates will be leaving open leadership opportunities to the lower junior class and as the junior class steps up to take a hold on many of the open spaces in classes, sports, and other opportunities. These opportunities only put more pressure on the junior class to be just as good as the class before them. So with this being said it’s going to be interesting to watch how the junior class will adapt and mature over the summer to come back to school the following September and take hold of the senior spot in Westminster Christian High School.
By: Taylor Depola
By: Taylor Depola
A Royal Wedding
The English will soon have a new member to the royal family. This new addition comes as Prince William and Catherine Middleton are joined in wedlock. The wedding is set to take place on April 29, 2011 at 11am at the historic Westminster Abbey. Two choirs, one orchestra, and two fanfare teams will perform music at the Wedding Service. Following the Wedding at Westminster Abbey, Claire Jones, the Official Harpist to HRH the Prince of Wales, will perform at the Reception hosted by Her Majesty the Queen at Buckingham Palace. The 1st Battalion Irish Guards will be providing the Queen’s Guard at Buckingham Palace, St James’s Palace and the Tower of London throughout the day. The Guard will turn out for the departure of the Royal Family from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. More than 1,000 military personnel and military musicians will line the route from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace. They will be made up of officers and other ranks from: Royal Navy, Army, and Royal Air Force. Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton have chosen Leicestershire based cake designer Fiona Cairns to create their wedding cake. In addition, the couple has also asked McVitie's Cake Company to create a chocolate biscuit cake for the reception at Buckingham Palace. The chocolate biscuit cake will be made from a Royal Family recipe and was specially requested by Prince William. The whole world will be watching as Prince William and his bride to be Catherine Middleton begin their new life together and will hopefully see this special day will go off without a hitch.
By: Greg Benson
Monday, April 18, 2011
Warrior Football
Football is a sport that we at Westminster haven’t been lucky enough to have as a student body. It joins together the students and brings out school spirit through teamwork and the socializing at games. All of this is about to change. In the fall, Westminster will be having its first ever middle school football team. This is a very exciting new change and will bring a new hobby for those students who don’t usually play the sports that have been offered. But a team is not a team without people cheering them on. Cheerleading will also be available to those middle school girls who want to be apart of that. Usually cheerleading was reserved for the high school girls who wanted to cheer during basketball or younger girls during spirit squad. Now Westminster is opening its horizons and starting something new to get the younger kids more involved. As a Westminster community we also need to help with the support of our team. We need to go to games or help with fundraising or do whatever we need to do. I know that the Westminster staff is really excited about this new team so we as a student body should be excited as well. We all should look forward to next year
By: Beatrice Ponce
No Fans for Cubs
It appears that Chicago Cubs fans have not been coming out to Wrigley Field this year to support the team as much as they have in previous years. The lack of fans in the spring of 2011 season remains a mystery. The Cubs have been playing horribly for many years; in fact, the team has not won a World Series championship since 1908, and the fans have always remained faithful to the team. However, during the fourth game of this season, there was a crowd of a whopping 26,292 fans –the lowest attendance since September 11, 2002 when only 20,503 fans came out. It only makes one wonder what could possibly have changed their hearts.
Some people have suggested that high gas prices in northern Illinois (which are currently the highest prices in the country) this year may have contributed to the lack of fans showing up to the games. Between paying for the tickets, food, souvenirs, gas in general, and an additional trip out to Chicago, these Cubs fans must be in over their heads with budgeting for the ball game.
Who knows? Maybe a new generation has finally come around and it is just not as loyal as the last; the team can only imagine where their crowd could have gone to. Hopefully the fans’ absence will motivate the Cubs to play better to get their supporters to come back to watch them.
By: Kelly Beacher
Weird Names
Your name is everything; it says who you are, what you have accomplished, and even where you are going. Now we have all heard weird names and wonder why in the world would the parents of those kids give them such weird names? They are going to be stuck with that weird name for the rest of their lives.
One of the most common places we see weird names is in the world of sports because they have their names on the backs of their jerseys. After a little research I found a few weird names on the backs of jerseys. Prince King, John Smith, and Tim Tribow, are just a few of the weird names John Smith is a weird name because Smith is the most common last name in the U.S. and John is the most common first name in the U.S. So basically he is the most common person in the U.S.A.
These are but a few names I found and I am sure that there are many more. I also looked up the main causes for names of children and if your name affects your success later in life. The main factor for you when naming your child is what ethnicity you are.
Many studies I found said mainly the same thing and that is that your name has almost nothing to do with your success later in life. So no one has an excuse to slack off in school or not do their best just because of their name. But what does affect your success is your reputation which is in many ways more important than you name. Your reputation actually says who you really are while your name is just a name. So make sure you have a good reputation when trying to move up in life.
By: Gregory T. Benson
Friday, April 15, 2011
Warriors defeat Giants
The Warriors notched 13 hits, led by Kevin Elder (3-for-4, double, 2 RBI), Ryan Perez (2-for-3, double, 2 RBI) and Frank Oliver (1-for-3, 2 RBI). Andrew Mason earned the win on the hill. He held the Giants scoreless on 3 hits with 7 strikeouts and 1 walk in 5 innings pitched.
By Andrew Mason
By Andrew Mason
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Study Hall Films: an Interview with Director/Producer Brian Pohlmeier
What gave you the idea for creating "Study Hall Films"? - We got the idea for "SHF" one day when we were bored and we took out my phone and filmed Andrew Mason pretending to be a cop, which is now known as 'The B-team'. We then filmed him doing other things and soon we had our first completed film, 'Plungers and Cheeseballs'.
What has been your favorite part/experience? - My favorite part is trying to come up with the next good idea, trying to top what we just did.
Favorite films? – My favorite films are 'It Came from Nowhere', our take on a 1950s horror film and 'Test Taker', a story we made about a cheater on a test.
What goes into the creation of a Study Hall Film? Who is involved, what they do, etc.? - SHF is Me [Brian Pohlmeier], the producer and director of our films, also co-founder and CEO. Cameron Johnson was our CFO, but we don’t make money so we don’t need a finances guy. So he does some directing and also he does cinematics, making sure the camera is where it should be and where we should put it. Andrew mason has been in all our films, and Emily Bickford does hair and makeup. These five are the original founders but there have been numerous other WCS students in our films.
How long does an average film take to make? - We usually will spend a period discussing what to do and what we need, then the next day we film everything. After that I work on postproduction and soon we have a completed film. The average film will take at least two study hall periods and then about 3-4 hours of editing on the computer.
Will you plan on continuing the SHF legacy, even outside of study hall? - Right now SHF is partnering with the youth group at my church, so we are branching outside of WCS. But we do not plan to necessarily continue it after we graduate.
What has been your favorite part/experience? - My favorite part is trying to come up with the next good idea, trying to top what we just did.
Favorite films? – My favorite films are 'It Came from Nowhere', our take on a 1950s horror film and 'Test Taker', a story we made about a cheater on a test.
What goes into the creation of a Study Hall Film? Who is involved, what they do, etc.? - SHF is Me [Brian Pohlmeier], the producer and director of our films, also co-founder and CEO. Cameron Johnson was our CFO, but we don’t make money so we don’t need a finances guy. So he does some directing and also he does cinematics, making sure the camera is where it should be and where we should put it. Andrew mason has been in all our films, and Emily Bickford does hair and makeup. These five are the original founders but there have been numerous other WCS students in our films.
How long does an average film take to make? - We usually will spend a period discussing what to do and what we need, then the next day we film everything. After that I work on postproduction and soon we have a completed film. The average film will take at least two study hall periods and then about 3-4 hours of editing on the computer.
Will you plan on continuing the SHF legacy, even outside of study hall? - Right now SHF is partnering with the youth group at my church, so we are branching outside of WCS. But we do not plan to necessarily continue it after we graduate.
If you’re not already familiar with the fine cinematic work of Study Hall Films, check them out! You’re sure to find some quality entertainment. and their website,
By: Anne Lehan
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