Tuesday April fifth was Tom’s One Day Without Shoes. This is an event hosted by the company Toms shoes to raise awareness for the millions who go without shoes every day. Toms is a company that has the motto “one for one”, this means that for every pair of shoes bought a pair is given by the company to a child who needs them. In Zambia, walking without shoes means being at risk of contracting soil transmitted parasites like Jiggers. These little fleas burrow into the feet, causing inflammation, swelling and wounds – which can in turn lead to dangerous infections. Shoes help to protect kids from jiggers among other hazards. By buying a pair of shoes you are improving a child’s life. Also you could be allowing them to go to school because for a lot of children they aren’t allowed to go because they have no shoes. By simply buying a pair of shoes you are making their life so much better. On Tuesday people everywhere went the day without shoes to help spread this opportunity to help. The idea behind this is that when you are seen not wearing shoes people will ask you about it so it will open up the opportunity to spread the word about Toms shoes. This is a great thing and it is very simple to do, all you have to do is not wear shoes and be willing to talk about Toms when you are asked. You don’t even have to go all day; in just an hour you have the opportunity to tell a lot of people about it. So next year on April fifth you should go without shoes and let everyone know how they can help, and buying a pair of Toms is always good to.
By Claire Kuda
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