Have you ever been in a situation in which you have not been prepared?
Well, I have several times, and believe me-- it is usually not fun walking into a room in which you know you are not prepared. Teachers strive to get us to come to class with all of our homework done and with the utensils that are required for class that day. Now this is not an unreasonable requirement of us, but sometimes, since we are human and not perfect, we forget our book, pen, etc.
Now if we can, for the most part, come to class with our books, homework, and anything else we need for other classes, why is it that we find it so hard to think up an article before sixth period rolls around? So now the question is what we can do to remember to think about an article that we are interested in writing about instead of being assigned one we have no personal connection to whatsoever.
One of the things that helps me remember things is to simply write it on myself, particularly my hand. So when you think of a good idea for journalism or any other class, you could write it on yourself so that you do not forget. If you do not want to write on your hand you could write it on your forehead or something. Yep, just write it on your hand.
Gregory T. Benson
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