Thursday, April 21, 2011

Article about Murderers loses focus

Chuck Goudie, a reporter from the Daily Herald, wrote an article about Illinois and how often murderers are officiated with it. I decided that this article would be interesting and topical, especially since me and everyone reading this are from Illinois. What he found is unsettling.

In his research he found that the average amount of jail time spent for murder in Illinois is less than 15 years. This is a glaring statistic; however he goes down an interesting path very quickly in trying to make a point. He gives an example of someone who murdered his sister and talks about how he should be put away for life and was flabbergasted that he only received a 40 year sentence. Since the jailing system in the United States is based on the idea that inmates can be rehabilitated, it is then a weak argument to make. He should not argue about whether or not he agrees with the way our prison systems are. That is a completely different argument all together. He had a chance to bring up an interesting topic about murderers and talk about how many of them there are in Illinois or something like that, but instead he gets sidetracked and was political about it. 

By: Ben Stevenson

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