Facebook Creeping: Everybody does it. And I know it’s not just me, its you too. Have you ever been so bored that you go through all of someone’s pictures? Or how about just randomly looking at someone’s wall and clicking “see more posts?" What about going on one of your friend’s walls and seeing someone cute then adding them even though you don’t know them just so that you get a taste of what they’re like? Well I know I have and so have the majority of Facebook users these days. Now no needs to be embarrassed, it’s like the common cold. It spreads like wildfire once you’re with a group of your friends and nothing to do. Some are more obvious than others with this whole “creeping” thing. They tend to go through your pictures and like every picture or even just pick one that is right smack dab in the middle, so you know they’ve been going through your pictures. But I’d have to say the best thing is when you happen to add someone you don’t and all of a sudden they think its ok to like your pictures or things that your friends have posted on your wall. But the best part by far is when they get offended when you ask them “do I know you?” A lot of this Facebook creeping comes from a lack of things to do or a group of teenage girls/guys getting together. Have you ever noticed that you creep a lot more when you’re with your friends or when you log in and you don’t have any notifications but you just don’t want to log off? The sad thing is that we don’t even realize that we’re doing it half of the time. Whenever we see that someone is in a relationship with a person who we don’t know the first thing everybody says is “let’s go look at their Facebook.” We never know who could be creeping on our Facebook but then again we wouldn’t want someone to know that we were doing the exact same thing.
By: Beatrice Ponce
Interesting post! You bring up very good points. Facebook Stalking really has become the latest Internet trend!