Batman, the well-known superhero has a very tragic history. Coming home from a night out at the movies Bruce Wayne, his father Thomas, and his mother Martha gaited in to Gotham City’s “Crime Alley.” This is where they were stopped by a mugger. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wayne were shot dead before the mugger left the scene immediately. Bruce kneeled next to his parents and wept at the loss and promised to avenge them. It was then that he was confronted by Dr. Leslie Thompkins. Thompkins assured Bruce that he was going to be okay and she talked to Gotham’s Social Services and made it arranged so that Bruce would not be taken into care. They did this because this would enable them to help Bruce recognize that he truly wanted to be, a crusader against crime.
At just age 14, Bruce did all that he could to keep his vow. He went to college and studied criminology, forensics, and criminal psychology. He also mastered every fighting style. On Bruce’s return to Gotham, he stalked street thugs and was beaten by every person he had intended to protect; he had just barely survived his first night out of crime fighting. As he sat in his study at Wayne Manor bleeding and realizing that he has too strike fear in the heart of his foes, a bat crashed through the window and gave him his inspiration. He then created a secret headquarters in the basement of his mansion. Bruce Wayne became Batman, a Dark Night to protect Gotham and its citizens. Soon after, Batman became an urban legend that sent chills down people’s backs of the underworld. As Batman grew in popularity he also gained more enemies, until help arrived in the form of a young boy left parentless by brutal crime.
By: Ashley Kivikoski
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