The senior class of 2011 is leaving its legacy in Mr. Huddleston’s Economics class. Katie Pluymert felt that God was calling the econ students to get involved in global ministries through a program called Kiva. Kiva is a non-profit organization that works with microfinance institutions to provide loans to people without access to traditional banking systems. The loans give men and women trapped by poverty stricken circumstances to provide for themselves. Kiva envisions, “a world where all people - even in the most remote areas of the globe - hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others.” They also believe in “providing safe, affordable access to capital to those in need helps people create better lives for themselves and their families.”
Lenders have a wide variety of options to select their borrower from, including gender, occupation, or location. Loans are given in $25 increments. As with normal loans, the borrower eventually pays back the money to the lender. The lender then has the option of withdrawing the money they originally gave or giving it to another person’s loan account.
This year’s econ class is just the first installment. Each individual period selected one person to support. When the money is paid back the future econ classes will use the money in addition to money of their own and continue to invest in other borrowers.
The students are excited about the opportunity to help support those looking to give themselves a better future. They also look forward to where God will take the opportunity in years to come through the future economic students of Westminster.
By: Ellie Fink
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