Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oregon Surgeon Operates on the Wrong Eye

Four-year-old Jesse Matlock went into surgery last week, his surgeon was suppose to operate on his wandering right eye, but instead performed the surgery on the left eye. The little boy hardly noticed any difference, yet his parents did. It was already nerve-wracking to have their son undergo surgery, but to find out it was done on the wrong eye was astounding.
    Having the wrong procedure done is supposed to never happen. The right eye was marked right before the child was put under, which relieved the parents' stress.
    During the procedure, however, the doctor started the surgery on the left eye, realized her mistake and then proceeded to do the surgery on the correct eye. The most upsetting thing was that the doctor didn't tell the parents until it was already done. When the doctor came out and told the mother and father, she explained it in medical terms. With the parents already confused, she then explained that she lost her sense of direction and operated on both eyes.
    "The surgeon in this case immediately disclosed this error to the family, and we notified our board of directors," Legacy Emanuel Medical Center.
    To father Dale this statement is "not even close" to being acceptable to the family. Every time one of the family members thinks of the outcome, they wonder what happened, what went wrong in that medical room.
    Currently, it is still a wonder as to whether Jesse's eyes will be okay, considering they are still on the mists of healing. It takes six weeks to heal, and it has already been two. For the left eye, the worries continue. As for the right eye, the original eye that needed the surgery will have to undergo corrective surgery, yet again.
            As of now, the boy’s vision seems to be fine. Until the child heals, the results will not be known. Please, keep this little boy and his family in your prayers!

By: Becky Welc

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