Thursday, May 5, 2011

iPods in Study Hall

            At the begging of this year everyone was excited for the new school year. To meet new friends, experience their new classes, and begin the year with a clean slate. But there was one thing that no one could have expected the allowance iPods while in study hall. Everyone was ecstatic when they announced that we could use iPods in class because most everyone has iPods in this day in age. Study hall soon became a time to look forward to your favorite music if you were having a bad day. It also provided students an opportunity to escape from the stress of the day and relax for a period. Not only that but it allowed students to focus on their work and therefore be more productive. The ability to listen to iPods in study hall has created a more productive atmosphere for students and teachers. If someone is listening to their iPod then they are not talking to their neighbors. If they are not talking to their neighbors, then their neighbors are not talking to them and hence the study hall is much quieter. The only way that listening to iPods could cause a problem is if the person that is listening to it plays music too loud and whereby disturbing the rest of the study hall. Other than that the pros far outweigh the cons of having iPods in study hall. I have seen that iPods help the overall student body concentrate on their school work and therefore they are much more productive that if they had been talking to peers. With this being the first year they have let us use iPods in study hall, we could have either shown them we deserve to have iPods or that we are better without them. I think that we have sufficiently proven to the faculty that we deserve to listen to our iPods in study hall. Besides they might have a riot on their hands if they took away iPods in study hall. Just Saying.
By: Greg Benson

1 comment:

  1. you are wrong the cons far outweight the pros of this and many people agree with me who are you to tell people that ipods and devices are good there evil a goverment conspiracy to control our minds whith does new dohekys we can be under mind control the goverment is ploting against the public brace yourself for hitler jr
