Monday, May 2, 2011


Senioritis: noun. A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation.  Definition provided by Urban Dictionary online.  Right now this horrible disease is running rampant throughout the school.  I myself have been effected greatly by this crippling phenominon, this article was supposed to be written on Saturday, and it is now Monday.  I am sad to say that even though I am close to the cure, it has not changed much how I am acting.  There are many things that contribute to the slacking; lots of sites such as Facebook and Stumble Upon.  These sites are known as enablers, they have many pointless activities that can amuse you for hours upon hours.  There are also many T.V. shows that support procrastiantion such as Gossip Girl.  The whole show is about girls in college yet the viewer has seen absolutly no homework done, except for the occasional homework that was paid for.  From the cases I have observed personally I would have to say that it usualy starts around third quarter or in some cases as soon as freshman year.  So as you can see this is a very serious problem, and it is not secluded to just seniors.  So be careful, it can be extremely contagious and side affects can start out as little things such as loss of motivation and moderate procrastination. These will progress very quickly so you should try to boost your immunity with a good incentive, that seems to help ward off some of the more severe side affects.  To all  my fellow sufferers, good luck for the time we have left, and I will join you in rejoicing on the day of our cure, graduation day!
Claire Kuda

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